Sins of the father

Dark clouds had gathered over the Cathedral of St. Augustine. A ground, once sacred, was now desecrated with the blood of many innocent souls. Perhaps, if the Vatican had responded swiftly to Father Titus’ cry for help, the recent killings would have been avoided. Now, it had spiralled out of control. Almost every other week, someone was either declared missing; Or worse, found dead.

It all started with the rape and gruesome murder of two nuns. Sisters Emily and Edith, in the January winter of ’92. There were calls to Rome, to approve that the matter be referred to the Chicago Police Department for investigations. Those requests were however, denied. The word from the Vatican, was that the church was going through ‘trying times’, and as such, couldn’t handle another scandal of such proportions.

‘This matter is sensitive; and should be managed carefully’, were the exact words spoken by Cardinal Frederick Da Costa, in response to Father Titus’ telegram.

If Rome had tried a different approach, may be the recent events would have been averted. But really, no one knew that things were going to get from bad - to very disturbing!

In the last seven months, nineteen priests have been found dead. Stripped naked, and hung by their necks. And Yes! their testicles, were clipped off!

Fathers Mitchell and Solomon, have also been missing since February. No one knows where they are. No one. Nothing. It appears as though they had just vanished. What the Vatican hoped to manage, was totally out of control!

The Pope was now aware of the dire situation at Chicago. He needed someone to investigate the crimes urgently. Someone he trusted. Someone, who would show discretion. Tact, and subtlety.

Someone who would do all that was needed, to get the job done!


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